• 1000+ ITEMS

    In partnership with OCSA Leadership, JOLO and the Leadership team sorted, tagged, priced, folded, organized, and sold over 500 items for OCSA Thrift, making OCSA Thrift 2022 the biggest Thrift event in OCSA history.

  • $4,358 RAISED

    After just over an hour of shopping time, OCSA Thrift was able to raise over $4,000. All proceeds were donated to Fashion Revolution and Wildlife Conservation Society to help further their environmental missions.

  • 2,000+ STUDENTS

    With music pumping and students shopping, OCSA Thrift saw most of the student body on 10th street perusing the clothing racks or buying boba! Any items not sold were donated to a local women’s shelter.

On Sustainable Fashion

The global fashion industry accounts for 8-10% of global carbon emissions, 24% of insecticides, 11% of pesticides, and about 20% of global waste water annually. Fast fashion specifically has remarkably negative environmental and social effects. Conversely, sustainable fashion comes from ethical sources; minimizes waste, pollution, and carbon emissions; and uses sustainable materials. Shopping second hand, shopping minimally, donating wearable clothes, and repairing clothes are all more sustainable options that help to extend the lives of clothing, reduce the amount of wearable clothes ending up in landfills, and, in turn, help our planet.